Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Apply For A Secure Credit Card With Your Bank

Category: Finance, Credit.

Having had to declare yourself as bankrupt cannot be a pleasant experience. But the only good thing about it is that after you are through the period of bankruptcy you start with a clean slate.

In fact it is one of the most terrible phases of life one can go through. The only thing you need to carry forward from your earlier days are the hard lessons that you learnt about managing your resources and learning to value what you have. The first two or three years after bankruptcy are the most difficult and this is the period when you will have to fight it out. Remembering those lessons will stand you in good stead in the future. But you can start rebuilding yourself from this time only. Here are a few steps you can take towards that.

For you to earn good credits quickly you have to cultivate healthy financial habits as early as possible. Create a savings account if you already don t have one and make regular deposits to that account. This shows that you are keen on saving for any emergency in the future. You should deposit a fixed some every month. Stay away from any further debts. If that means a much tougher life than what you are used to, then so be it.

Don t loan anything from anyone. Pay all your bills on time. If there are late payments from your end, they might get reported to the credit bureau, something you will definitely not want to happen. This will show that you have learnt from your mistakes and you are not going to repeat the same in future. If you retain your credit card even after bankruptcy, then only make small purchases using it once in a while and pay back your dues immediately. Apply for a secure credit card with your bank. This also shows that you have now learnt how to handle your credit card.

These cards require you to deposit an amount with the bank and the bank will allow you credit only up to the amount that you have deposited with the bank. All these steps will be assessed while evaluating your credit worthiness and if you follow them closely there is no reason why you wouldn t be considered for credit in the near future. This is the best way to use the advantages of the credit card without spending more than you can afford.


Knowing Beforehand How You Want Your Credit Card To Work - Jami Daunt about Finance and Credit:

Modern society in USA is fast becoming a cashless one and the Credit cards are playing a major role in it.

All Cards Have Different Terms - Finance and Credit Blog:

The bulk of lending institutions now offer no annual fee credit cards to entice prospective clients.

Some States Also Have Debt Collection Laws - Finance and Credit Blog:

When you hear about collection agencies, do you think about commercials like the one in which someone is avoiding the phone because they re dealing with a mountain of debt? And collection agencies make a lot of calls to people who are behind in their payments.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Credit Cards And Interest Rates Go Hand In Hand

Category: Finance, Credit.

Credit cards and interest rates go hand in hand.

It is surprising to know that a 0% credit card interest rate exists. With 19% APRs wrecking bankrolls like clockwork. However, there are 0% interest rate credit card offers out there, and the reality of it all is that people may enjoy that privilege without switching to another credit card provider. In exchange for that annual fee, an interest rate structure is solidified in place that is applied to the outstanding balance the card accrues over a thirty day period. Lots of credit cards don t have any annual fee assigned to them. In case payments are not made on time, the credit card company will impose a higher interest rate starting on the next month s bill. In order to be offered a 0% credit card interest rate, you must pay off your credit card on time, every time.

Credit card companies pray for people to miss a monthly payment for two in order to cash in on interest on the outstanding balance. With no outstanding balance to impose interest on, a 0% credit card interest rate is very possible. For instance, a new account that introduces a 0% credit card interest rate for the first six months may require you to make timely payments every billing cycle. Yes, there are many advertisements out there touting credit card plans with 0% interest rates that are extended for a while after your account is opened. With this in place, balances can be transferred from other cards onto a new account. A 0% interest rate can reduce debt and help increase your credit score to your credit card provider s dismay. The only provision is that card users must pay off the balance within this six month period.

If a 0% percent interest rate offer is out there for the taking, make sure you carefully read all terms and conditions. By carefully reading the fine print, you will be best equipped into knowing if that latest 0% credit card interest rate offer is right for you. Learn how long the 0% credit card interest rate lasts and figure out what you need to do to keep that 0% interest rate kicking for the longest time.


There Is A World Of Opportunity For Sure When It Comes To Credit Cards And The Payment Solutions - Finance and Credit Articles:

There is a world of opportunity for sure when it comes to credit cards and the payment solutions.

Why It S Necessary To Get A Credit Report Form All Three Credit Report Bureaus Multiple Times A Year - Finance and Credit Blog:

You want a free credit report but have heard of people being caught out will Scammers and want to find out the best on the eye out to avoid these pitfall. Credit reports are essential now days, they not only help you get valuable information on your financial history but they also enable you to check status of these records and correct nay incorrect information.

A Consumer Credit Report Is The Annual Assessment Of Each Person S Credit Standing - Finance and Credit Articles:

A consumer credit report is the annual assessment of each person s credit standing.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

A Credit Card For Long Term Credit Purchases

Category: Finance, Credit.

Credit cards are virtually a must- have these days.

Even the argument that it makes no sense to pay interest on everyday purchases no longer holds water- if you manage your finances properly, you ll never have to apply interest to your purchases. With more and more businesses paying wages via direct deposit, and creditors preferring direct debit for their bill payments, it simply makes sense to have a credit card to deal with everyday expenses. The question most people have is- which is the right credit card to use? If you re deciding which card you want in your wallet, here are some rights and wrongs to help you sort through them all. With all the different types available, it only makes sense that they each offer unique pros and cons. A Credit Card for Long Term Credit Purchases. The lower the APR, the less you ll pay out for the item in the long run.

Right: Apply for a card with a low APR for those purchases that you ll need to pay off over time. Wrong: Since most low APR credit cards don t offer much in the way of rewards or incentives, don t bother using them on purchases that you ll pay off all in one go each month. Right: Nowadays there are a lot of good reasons to whack your everyday purchases- the sort of thing you d normally pay for out of pocket cash- onto plastic. The Everyday Credit Card. Charging all your purchases will make it far easier to track exactly what you spend, and as long as you stay within your budget and pay your account- preferably by direct debit- each month, it won t cost you an arm and a leg to do it. Instead, go for the option with the highest rewards scheme you can qualify for. The APR isn t important here, because if you time it right- that s why the direct debit- you won t ever pay interest on the purchases on this card.

Whether it s airline miles, pence off on your purchase, or reward points to spend, there are credit cards that will pay you back for using them. Keep your eye on the bottom line- how much will it cost you to get rewarded? Wrong: Avoid ones with annual fees and requirements that will cost you more than you ll save on your purchases. The Kids First Credit Card Right: One of the best ways for parents to accustom their offspring to using credit wisely and productively is to give them a credit card- without giving them credit. They ll learn to manage their spending so that they have money at the end of their month, and you can track their spending through account statements. Prepaid credit cards- make it easy for you to hand over an allowance each week or month- just load it onto their card. Wrong: No credit card at all.

By being open with them and giving them a prepaid option loaded with the amount that you expect for them to make do, you re starting them off on the road to responsible use of plastic the same way you taught them to ride a bicycle- with you at their side and stabilisers to keep them from falling hard. Children who grow up seeing their parents swipe their card at the register have very little concept of where the money comes and goes. You ll find credit cards of all types and sorts at comparison sites, along with all the information you need to help you compare features and benefits of each type. When you re ready to apply, use a good comparison site to sort out all you need to make the right decision.


Still, As You Stand In An Endless Line Waiting To Board, You Wonder If Your Credit Card Has This Kind Of Security - Amber Caspers's Finance and Credit blog:

Just about everybody, when going to the airport and boarding a plane, have to go through hours and hours, lines and lines of security. Still, as you stand in an endless line waiting to board, you wonder if your credit card has this kind of security.

There Are Fixed Dates Between Which The Grants Are Given Out - Finance and Credit Blog:

There s quite a bit of money that the US government provides in grants each year for people who want to start their own businesses, or for any other reasonable activity.

The Best No Annual Fee Credit Cards - Finance and Credit Articles:

The bulk of banks now offer no annual fee credit cards to bait prospective consumers. Don t jump at the first offer you receive though.

Friday, August 22, 2008

As There Are Lots Of The Best Business Credit Providers Online

Category: Finance, Credit.

With the help that business credits can bring, lots of businesses can be made better than they are, including mine and probably yours.

Many others want just a little financing to increase their existing businesses but they don t have the business credit. Without business credits, no matter how bright an idea you have, it most certainly only just dies. There is however reason to smile because options now exist for business credit with which you can grow a business or even start one up from the scratch. The particular type of credit you need for business will depend greatly on what the size and nature of your business is. When it comes to business credit, there are lots to choose from. For those who own businesses, they can pick any from the many business credit options they have. You can obtain these small business loans from the banks and other private sector providers.

When it comes to small business owners, there are particular small business loans to pick from. Among the different business credits however, small business loans are the most sort after. This has gone a long way to increase business owners chances of getting their hands on cheap business credit. In an attempt to appear more attractive than the competition you will find lots of banks with low interest rates and good repayment. Other types of business credits that you can get include the start- up business loans, the secured and unsecured business loans, the merchant account cash advance business loan, the commercial real, the accounts receivable estate loans, to mention a few. If you want to go searching for the best business credit you should begin your search on the Internet. Whichever kind of business loan you make a decision to take, it s important to get as much information as possible about the various types of business credits.

As there are lots of the best business credit providers online. What s more, plenty of very enlightening and educative sites are online that will offer you precise information you need on business credits.


Amex Blue Cash For Business Gives Up To 5% Cash Rebate, Platinum Business Cash Rebate Card From OPEN: The Small Business NetworkSM Gives Up To 5% Cash Rebate On Purchases And No Cash Back Limit - Finance and Credit Articles:

Cash back credit cards.

Try Using One Of ABC Loan Guide S Recommended Poor Credit Auto Loan Lenders - Finance and Credit Articles:

Applying for a bad credit auto loan online is probably the easiest and fastest way to get a car loan, but as advantageous as the process is, it has downsides as well. Even if you are labeled bad credit, instant auto loan online is there for asking but you should assure the lender regarding your repayment capacity and intentions to pay off the loan in time.

Filing Bankruptcy Doesn T Mean That You Can Never Have Credit Again - Finance and Credit Blog:

Filing bankruptcy doesn t mean that you can never have credit again.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Online Credit Card Usage - Convenience At Its Best

Category: Finance, Credit.

Online credit card usage - convenience at its best. With the advent of internet, the knowledge and communication barriers were broken.

Commerce and technology, combined as a one package- this is what online credit cards are. Also, came the concept, with internet of e- shops or virtual shops that existed only on the internet. Once the online credit card payments were verified and approved, the goods got delivered to your door. You could shop at these shops by making use of their online credit card payment- acceptance ability. This is what we call convenience at its best. The possibility of receiving online credit card payments has given a totally new dimension to shopping.

With more and more e- shops getting setup everyday, online credit card usage is becoming even more popular. Now, you can not only shop from the comfort of your home, you can even get discounts on these products. No need to bother about the weather, no need to worry about the traffic jams or any other thing. This is really amazing. Just go to an e- shop, make use of, select a product their online credit card payment- acceptance facility to make the payment and be ready to receive the goods at your doorstep. However, there is nothing without pitfalls. With online credit card processing facility, starting a business( an online business) has become just unbelievably easy.

One of the pitfalls of online credit card usage is the possibility of online credit card fraud. The first one is related to the company, on whose website you made online credit card payment for purchase of goods. This online credit card fraud can happen in two ways. This company itself could be fraudulent i. e. it could take the online credit card payment from you but not deliver the goods to you. The second type of fraud is committed by fraudsters who use various software/ devices to capture the details of online credit card payments( as you enter them on the online credit card payment form of a website) . Moreover, they could use the details of your credit card( received through the filling up of online credit card payment form by you) for fraudulent purposes. This software s are popularly known as spyware and these fraudsters as online spies.

However, there are anti- spyware software s available which can be used to counter such spyware. The Spyware works by capturing keystrokes or taking screenshots of whatever you do on your computer and then passes it on to the spy. So, the advent of online credit card usage facility is a boon to us. However, you must exercise caution when making online credit card payments e. g. don t access your bank accounts or make online credit card payments from internet cafes( unless you are absolutely sure about the credentials of the internet cafe) .


Who Else Checks Your Credit - Finance and Credit Articles:

Getting your credit report checked is a pretty common process.

Here Are A Few Conditions You Have To Go By Before You Can Get A Credit Card Debt Settlement - Finance and Credit Articles:

Credit card debt settlement is what you can get when you do not have the means to pay your debt in full, nor pay your debt in the increments that you were given to pay monthly. Sound like a dream come true?

A Few Years Ago There Weren T Too Many Real Credit Repair Companies Out There - Dianne Celestin's Finance and Credit blog:

For the last 5 or 6 years I ve been telling friends and family how ugly of an industry credit repair and debt settlement is getting to be. It looks like my prediction was wrong.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Yes- Even If You Have Applied For An Instant Approval Credit Card Online

Category: Finance, Credit.

The reality of instant credit card approval is somewhat different from what most people truly think.

You see the ads all the time in newspapers, TV and on, magazines the Internet. "Instant Credit Card Approval- Apply Today! " Now you think to yourself, I could do with a new credit card, especially some instant approval credit cards. However, this does not mean that it is not the right decision for many people out there looking for a new credit card. I ll apply now and have my application sitting on their desk tomorrow, and have a new card by the end of the week. All you need to do is fill in an online form and you ll get your card by mail in a day or two. You might even use the Internet and get your instant approval credit card online. It s that simple! Well the reality of actually receiving instant approval credit cards this way may be a little different.

Isn t it? When companies advertise instant credit card approval, their definition of instant and your definition may be somewhat different. Now for most of the credit card company s the meaning of instant approval should read- we will start processing your application immediately. Now, to you or me applying for instant approval credit cards means you get your card back instantly- right away. The credit company will check your credit using the information available from credit bureaus. It s normal for a bank or credit card lender to get three or more of these reports and analyze them to make sure they make the right decision whether to give you credit or not. They normally search for information regarding your past credit history and your current status.

Unless you have an exceptionally good credit rating, sometimes as high as the top 4% in the country, then there s no way you will get instant credit card approval. Yes- even if you have applied for an instant approval credit card online. This type of search and analysis will take up to three days maybe longer. They will still perform the same searches. If you have poor credit rating it s probably not worth your while applying for an instant approval credit card online. It s going to be at least four to five days but usually longer( a week or two) before your card will reach you. When you get to the website of the majority of lenders, you ll find it says these instant credit card approval offers are normally only available to people who have a good credit rating.

Although most of them will state clearly that to be considered for these kind of instant approval credit cards you must have a good credit rating, it s still worth applying. It s important you look closely at the terms and conditions stated by the card issuer or bank. The companies aren t going to break the rules, but they may bend them slightly if your credit rating is near to their qualifying standard. You may be lucky and receive notification quickly that you have been approved for an instant approval credit card online. Don t forget card companies and banks need customers, the person that s dealing with your application may well take a chance and approve your application. The card will be mailed to you, you receive it and you can then go and buy whatever you want. They think they have instant access to the credit that s been approved.

That is quite a common misconception for people who apply for instant approval credit cards. A lot of banks and credit card companies will have a process where you have to validate the card, normally by phone. An instant approval credit card online might just be what you have been waiting for. As you can see, although instant credit card approval isn t quite as instant as you might expect, it s still a lot quicker than the old way of sending an application by snail mail, and waiting weeks for approval, so why not take look at the options available and apply today?


Credit Is A Delicate Thing - Lucia Evert's Finance and Credit blog:

Your Credit report is a permanent record of how you acquire and pay off debt.

Your Credit Score Is Updated Regularly - Finance and Credit:

Experian, Equifax and TransUnion. The basic idea behind reporting and tracking your credit history is to get an idea on how prompt and reliable a person is in repaying the loans.

And That, Is Money, My Friend - Finance and Credit Blog:

Everybody, over the ages has had an opinion on money. "Money makes the world go round. " "Money talks. " "It s all about the money. " Money has an important role to play in our day- to- day lives.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Do Your Finest Not To Be A Victim Of Credit Card Debt

Category: Finance, Credit.

Firstly, if you ve had a credit history which is far from marvelous and you re in despair about ever getting a credit card firm to give you credit, there are credit card suppliers that give persons who have a bad credit rating past a likelihood to straighten things out.

It s absolutely pertinent for you to know the right rates of the particular credit card you possess. The credit card rate refers to the rate of interest that a credit card firm charges on the sum of cash that you owe them and varies from one firm to the next. Credit card debt can surely be akin to a vise around your neck and is a common occurrence among numerous persons that have credit cards. Do your finest not to be a victim of credit card debt. Credit card debt is absolutely common due to the probability to exceed the credit card limit or the failure to meet stipulated payments of bills to the credit card company. Being fast with payments on your other credit cards automatically qualifies you for a new credit card with a new credit card firm due to the fact that it means that you ve a very good credit rating history. The first step any individual looking to do away with credit card debt has to take is to admit that he| she is in debt in the first place.

Credit card processing refers to all the instructions that are involved in the method of credit cards and encompasses an intricate network of systems and also persons working in co- ordinated harmony to make sure that applications are processed, credit cards are supplied, necessary info is stored and bills as well as info are relayed to related clients. Acknowledging your debts gives you the courage to move on and plan on how to manage them. Lots of credit card corporations give zero percent annual percentage rate on transfer balances. It would be pointless to be untruthful when filling out an application form for a credit card due to the fact that the credit card corporations ultimately cross checks the data you give to determine its authenticity. Yet their periods for which this offer stays varies so it will certainly do you well to find out what their actual APR is. This decision will certainly help you pay off your debts faster. As a final note, if you re in credit card debt and are planning to consolidate your credit card debt, you have to make a decision to invest cash discreetly and meet payments on time.


Cold Callers Are Quite A Bothersome Feature Of Modern Life - Barbra Tarbox about Finance and Credit:

Cold callers are quite a bothersome feature of modern life.

There Are Different Ways To Open A New Credit File Each Of Which Works To Help One Build A New Credit File And Utilize Simultaneously While Repairing Ones Credit Or Establishing Credit - Catalina Favero's Finance and Credit blog:

There are different ways to open a new credit file each of which works to help one build a new credit file and utilize simultaneously while repairing ones credit or establishing credit. It is a loophole in the system.

The Credit Card Differs From The Debit Card - Melba Fregoso about Finance and Credit:

The credit card industry is very lucrative for the companies largely because of the effect of compound interest. With the debit card you are using funds that are already in your account they belong to you.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Who Uses Your Credit Report And How

Category: Finance, Credit.

Today you can easily get instant access to a free copy of your UK credit report online. In order to look at every potential benefit that your credit report could give you, we need to look at what your credit report is used for.

But what are the benefits of being able to see this record of your credit history and the other details that the credit reference agencies hold about you on your personal credit file. Who Uses Your Credit Report And How? All these companies want to know your current credit rating and they will determine this using your credit score, which they calculate with their own company formula using information on your credit history and current credit status from a copy of your credit report. Your UK credit report will be used by financial institutions whenever you apply to them for credit cards, loans or mortgages and by other companies when you apply for any product or service that requires you to sign up for some form of credit, such as a mobile phone contract. This credit check will involve checking your credit report from one of the three credit reference agencies in the UK all of which gather relevant credit and personal ID information about you to create your credit file. If you fail a credit check and don t get the loan or credit you applied for, you usually will not be told why or which credit reference agency was used. Failed A Credit Check?

However, the details held on your credit report can help you find out what is causing your application to be refused. Such errors may relate to your credit history or the other personal data on your credit record, which is used to confirm your identification and what you put on your application form. The reason may not even be a valid one as it is very easy for a mistake, typing error or old inaccurate information to be held on one of your three credit reports. Major Benefit. To ensure that your credit score and therefore your credit rating is as high as it can be you need to make sure that everything on all three of your credit reports is accurate and up to date. A higher credit score will help ensure that you get the loans or credit you want and that you will get a better rate of interest than if your credit rating were lower. You therefore need to get a copy of your credit report from each of the 3 credit reference agencies.

Fortunately you can get instant online access your credit report at each agency for free as all agencies are currently offering a free trial of their UK credit report service. Never assume that if one is correct that the others will be! You should take advantage of this to check all three of our credit reports and fix them if you find any problems. Remember that this could take time so start as soon as possible, especially if you are planning to apply for a loan or other credit some time soon. Just talk to the relevant agency about how to get issues with your credit report resolved. Other Benefits.

If you do not check them they could easily become your greatest liability. Your credit reports are a great asset and should be checked and maintained just like you check you bank statements. Effective management of your credit report could save you a lot of money over time and ensure that you are not refused credit when you need it. When you fix your credit reports and get your credit score to be as high as possible you will be able to borrow more money from lenders and get more credit and all at lower interest rates. If you are going to apply for a loan or mortgage then it makes sense to check you credit reports before applying as failed applications will be recorded on your credit file and can lower your credit score making your next credit application even more likely to fail. Checking you credit report regularly is a great way of making sure that your identity has not been stolen and used in fraud to steal money or pay for products and services using your personal details and your money. What Next?

Compare reports from different credit agencies to make sure that they are all the same because when you apply for credit you have no way of knowing which credit reference agency your potential lender will use. It is very easy to check your UK credit reports and you can do this online for free. So do it now before you forget to make the most of this opportunity.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Your Financial Credit History

Category: Finance, Credit.

I would like to begin this article by giving a few definitions of terms used.

Equifax draws together all your credit data from a number of places to come up with a file that reveals your personal credit history- i. e. your credit file. Equifax is one of a number of chief UK credit reference agencies. In the event you fill out an application for any credit, loan companies will check out your credit file to understand your credit record. The Equifax internet website has a great deal of practical instructions on making proper financial choices and safeguarding yourself from fraudulent schemes. You could request a duplicate of your report when ever you like to check that everything is in order. Experian is one of a number of chief UK credit reference agencies.

This is known as a credit file. Loan providers will go to credit referencing agencies to determine the qualifications of a potential borrower founded on their financial past. As a borrower, you could request a copy of your report from Experian to check that all the facts and figures on it are accurate and that your financial details aren t being used illegally. Lenders will study your credit report to see your existing and earlier financial history. A credit check is a kind of search executed by a prospective loan company to gauge how suitable you are for a loan. Lenders can then attach to you a a credit rating to identify if the manner in which you manage your money matters meets their requirements for being granted credit.

The data is used by potential lenders, landlords and employers to help them make a decision as to whether approve your application for a loan or other credit. A credit report is basically financial data about you held by a credit reference agency( such as Experian, Equifax or CallCredit plc) . Or for a job or as a tenant. The data on your file includes: Personal information such as your name and any previous names you have been known by, current and recent, date of birth addresses, current and previous employers. The information on your credit file is updated on an ongoing basis, and is provided by companies who have given you credit in the past and currently. Your financial credit history. Details of credit accounts that were opened in your name( or ones where you are an authorised user) ; whether payments have been kept up to date or missed.

This details current and previous credit from the last six years, including amounts currently owed. Any bankruptcies, County Court Judgements( CCJs) or arrears etc. Provided they have your consent, your report can be viewed by anyone with an acceptable purpose. Information about your current or savings accounts, CCJs that are, or bankruptcies more than 6 years old are not shown on your credit file, nor your political affiliation, ethnicity, medical history, religion, nor criminal records. These include: potential lenders. Any Government Agency.

Landlords. Employers and potential employers and an individual or organisation that has your written authorisation to obtain your credit report

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

More Than 1, 000 Rewards Items To Choose From

Category: Finance, Credit.

Introducing the Citi Diamond Preferred Rewards Card, the credit card with the flexibility to earn the rewards you really want. You earn 5 ThankYou points for every$ 1 spent on purchases at gas stations, drug stores and super markets.

You can earn anything from airline travel to gift certificates to statement credits and more. For almost all other purchases you earn 1 ThankYou point. Purchases at warehouse clubs, discount stores and convenience stores are not eligible for points. After the first 12 months that you are a card holder, all purchases earn one ThankYou point, including at gas stations, drug stores and super markets. The Citi ThankYou Network offers: Rewards from many of your favorite merchants. Many rewards starting at just 1, 000 ThankYou Points. More than 1, 000 rewards items to choose from.

You can redeem your points for things like: Gift certificates for some of the finest stores and restaurants. Travel on any airline you choose, with no blackout dates( Round- trip tickets start at just 25, 000 Points) Hotel stays, car rentals and vacation packages. Retail merchandise, from the latest DVDs to sporting equipment. Statement credits toward your billing statement. It makes using your credit card exciting when you know it is getting you closer to your ideal reward. If there's a reward you want that's not in our collection, we' ll work to find it for you- we call it" Your Wish Fulfilled" So you can earn points towards the rewards you want the most.

You may not be able to justify that new barbeque or a vacation, but what if your credit card could give you that? Unlike many rewards credit cards, there is no annual fee and the rewards program is free. Now when you apply you also get 5000 bonus ThankYou points after your first purchase. Also there is a 0% introductory rate on purchases and balance transfers for 12 months. Choose the reward you want and easily earn it with your credit card. The Citi Diamond Preferred Rewards Card is perfect for someone looking for a flexible rewards program.

Monday, August 11, 2008

A Student Is Offered A Number Of Credit Card When He Or She Enters The College

Do you find most of your friends end up their college with huge credit card debts to repay?

In this article we take a look at the 3 worst mistakes students make with their student credit cards, and pay for it heavily later on in their life. What ails them? Sign up the first offer you receive. A good thing would be to contact the financial aid office to get help on which card is better. A student is offered a number of credit card when he or she enters the college. Ask your friends, see how well, get their opinion they are faring with their student credit cards, compare various offers that you get on a credit card comparison website online.

Else, you could land in trouble. This will ensure that you have made an informed decision. Max out the credit limit. Student's should not take this as easy money and max out the credit card. Credit card companies are quite generous in giving huge credit limits by student's standards. A good thing is to keep the credit card balances to below 30% of the maximum credit limit. Don' t repay on time.

This will keep them in the good books of credit card company and won' t invite huge penalties and high APR's. Taking a loan( yes every expenditure on credit card is a loan and has to be repaid with interest) and defaulting on repayments, doesn' t go well with credit card agencies. This also doesn' t goes well with the credit rating agencies. When they find that a default on repayment has taken place, they increase the APR's, take back all rewards and slap late payment fees. Credit card is there to help you in times of difficulties and it has to be used wisely to build the credit. This will seriously help in building a good credit history.

If the credit card companies find that your credit card use is judicious, they will increase your credit limits, throw in few, lower interest rates more rewards etc.